Jeremy Jones As the owner and founder of Party People, I can honestly say this is a labor of love. My greatest joy in all of this comes at the end of a successful event. When the music stops and a couple gives you a sincere thank you and you know you were an important part of a day they will remember forever. When it all goes smoothly it doesn’t even feel like work. I have done countless events and weddings over the years, but my specialty is getting the dance floor packed and keeping it that way. I like to mix it up and get everyone dancing so I play a variety of music so everyone will hear something they enjoy. I also believe my attention to detail, experience, ability to professionally manage events and consistently deliver a quality experience make me well qualified to handle your next event. If you are looking for someone engaging, fun, and energetic then I feel I am the man for the job. Background: Born and raised in San Diego I made my home in the South Bay until college where I attended the University of California Berkeley. Since graduating with a degree in Sociology in 2000, I have made my career in the non-profit field managing programs that help youth and families. I am a bleeding heart by nature and really enjoy helping people and making someone’s day.
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